========================================================================= Microscope - A Microscope for the PC | Evaluation Version UNREGISTERED --------------------------------------| Copyright : Maurice Smith 1992/3/4 | VER 1.0 Molcol Software | 69 Commonside West | SERIAL 201193 Mitcham, Surrey. CR4 4HB | England. | for SHAREWARE distribution! | TEL: 081-685 0528 | ========================================================================= INSTALLATION ============ If your distribution disc/discs have instructions from the Shareware distributer on how to install this software, then follow them. Other- wise create a directory on your hard-disc as MSCOPE. Copy all files from the distribution disc/discs into the new directory. To use slidesests in the future, it is best to make this directory as MSCOPE rather than any other name. It will save time when you wish to add other shareware slidesets to the package. TO RUN ============ Change to the directory where Microscope is installed & type: MICMENU REQUIRED TO RUN =============== HARD DISC, VGA COLOR MONITOR & CARD. Best results achieved with 386 processor or faster especially with animated slides. PROBLEMS (Memory Managers... ) ============== If you have extended memory and more complex arrangements for your PC set-up and memory: if you encounter problems try running Microscope without various memory managers etc, loaded. Please let me know if you do have problems. 10/11/93 note: Microscope has now been tested on a super-duper 486 with graphics accelerator and 16meg of memory with windows managing the set-up. The animation routines were too fast. This SHAREWARE version has now been improved to provide slower animation on this type of set-up and improved key responses when running animated slidesets. The improvement is identified by a serial number shown briefly on the Microscope screen during start-up. The serial number is a date 091193. A serial number with this date (09/11/93) OR LATER will indicate the version includes this enhancement. PROBLEMS (Keys... ) ============================== Where references in the program refer to using SHIFT- for moving the small box around inside the viewer: this refers to on the Numeric Keypad of your keyboard. The NUMBER LOCK key must be off for these to function properly! If you don't have a numeric pad then use the following ordinary number keys instead of the SHIFT-:- FOR SHIFT- Use 6 FOR SHIFT- Use 4 FOR SHIFT- Use 8 FOR SHIFT- Use 2 SPECIAL NOTE on Animated slidesets:- ==================================== When using Animated slidesets, Microscope's 'feel' and use of controls changes slightly. A few features allowed when using 'still' slidesets are inhibited for animated sequences. For example: the LOAD ARROWs CONTROL will not allow you to move the slide indicator up and down, and you can't load individual frames into the viewer. Instead, if you wish to view an individual frame, then use the 'F' key to flick through the sequence; then use the space key to stop the animation on the frame you wish to view. This will allow you to use most of Microscope's normal features to STAIN, FILTER, LIGHT, etc., the slide on view. To restart the animation, use the controls as if you were going to load the first slide from the slideset tray into the viewer. Animation performance is dependent on you disk access speed. A disk cache program (from a third party) is required for effective speed! PLEASE READ THIS NOTICE FIRST :- NOTICE ON USING MICROSCOPE for the PC. ====================================== Microscope for the PC has SPECIAL LICENSING arrangements, different from normal SHAREWARE distributed packages. It is important that you understand them as they provide opportunity for continued LEGAL use at reduced costs - according to your needs. The package is available in several forms: VER 1x DEMO UNREGISTERED (abridged)....(released via PC Plus Cover Disc) VER 1X DEMO LICENSED (abridged)........(enhanced 1x to show all shareware slides. A license is required.) VER 1.0 UNREGISTERED ..................(from normal SHAREWARE sources) VER 1.0 LICENSED ......................(Licensed version of shareware version 1.0) VER 1.0 REGISTERED PRO ................(NOT SHAREWARE !! Available by direct purchase only.) ONLY VERSION 1.0 WITH THE WORD: 'UNREGISTERED' ON MICROSCOPE'S MAIN SCREEN MAY BE DISTRIBUTED AS SHAREWARE: VER 1X DEMO UNREGISTERED is not shareware. VER 1.O REGISTERED PRO is not shareware. VER 1.0 LICENSED is not shareware. Microscope uses SLIDESETS which are normally purchased. These are the Professional Series and are NOT available via SHAREWARE. However, to advertise them and to help customers determine what they may like to buy, samples of these slides are taken, reassembled, and issued as slidesets via SHAREWARE sources. This is a continual process. These are identified as having filenames begining 'SHAR' (for Shareware) or 'Demo' which are also Shareware (normally distributed with the Program). All versions of Microscope are capable of viewing Shareware slidesets BUT only VER 1.O REGISTERED PRO can display slidesets from the Professional Series. This is not a SHAREWARE package and must therefore be purchased. Also Ver 1x (abridged) requires enhancement software available from Molcol Software to display Shareware slidesets. Since many Shareware slidesets will be issued, users may wish to view them without wanting to purchase the PRO VERSION of Microscope for use with professional slidesets. A separate LICENSING arrangement has been made available to allow this kind of use, along with 1 SHAREWARE-DISTRIBUTED package to evaluate whether or not this type of use is for you or whether or not Microscope for the PC would be of greater benefit to you by purchasing the fully-functional PRO version. If you wish to continue using either the SHAREWARE version or wish to use the abridged ver 1x to view slidesets distributed as SHAREWARE, then you must apply for a licensed version. A fee is charged but in return you will receive an enhanced copy to allow use of SHAREWARE slidesets only, at a level which suits your needs. You will not be ABLE to use PRO Series slides with this Licensed software. Licensed versions are not SHAREWARE. You must not distribute copies of Licensed Versions nor any programs associated with them! You may distribute slidesets which have filenames begining with 'SHAR' or 'DEMO' as Shareware, providing no alteration is made to the files, and you do not charge for their use (other than as defined by Shareware distributers who will normally charge a distribution fee). If any time later on you wish to purchase the PRO Version 1.0, then you can reclaim your LICENSING fee against the purchase price, provided you purchase direct from MOLCOL SOFTWARE! A small additional fee is charged to cover additional discs, postage, packaging etc. Full details are shown when using the software. To help you make a choice between the options, their levels of use are detailed below for shareware, licensed, and direct purchase options. For payment details - please see details displayed when running the software. Address details in the software are protected and cannot be easily altered: this is to protect your interests. PAYMENTS ======== It is up to you if you wish to send money through the post. We would recommend that you pay by cheque, postal order etc., Overseas customers can pay by money order, or try a cheque : if our bank won't except it we will contact you with some other arrangement. Prices advertised are in English Pounds - a quick look in the papers will allow an average currency conversion. Averages are acceptable. At the time of writing, we are seeking consent to make paying by VISA a payment option. By the time you read this - we may be in a position to offer this. Drop us a line to find out. VERSIONS ======== See the top right corner of this file to see which version you should be evaluating with this readme file. Ver 1x - DEMO UNREGISTERED (For distribution only via limited media) -------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a proper working version of Microscope - a Microscope for the PC. It has been 'cut-down' to allow distribution via limited media: cover discs, bulletin boards, low capacity discs etc., 1) It is distributed with reduced slideset/or sets (number of slides). 2) It does not include 2 features beneficial to Users involved in a teaching environment. These allow creation and display of USER-CREATED Tutorial Texts explaining the Slideset subjects. 3) Help in all forms is greatly reduced. 4) It will NEVER display WIDESCREEN slides as they should be seen. 5) It will only ever display 'SHAR' or 'DEMO' slides (distributed via SHAREWARE). * see (6) below * -> 6) It lacks slide-management software (available with enhanced 1x for a small license fee). You can not therefore install SHAREWARE slidesets without this enhanced edition. 7) It lacks a User Manual, Special Menu, and a few other frills. 8) It lacks ENHANCED features which allow use of 4 different Microscopes. Slide viewing and detail is greatly enhanced WITH these additional features! 9) It will show animated 'SHAR' & 'DEMO' slides but if this feature is enhanced, Ver 1x will not benefit from the improvements. 10) Some of the message routines are not as 'polished' as they are in Ver 1.0 full versions. * We strongly recommend you obtain the full version 1.0 SHAREWARE for evaluating Microscope at its best with all its features!! Licensing Ver 1x to show all Shareware slidesets. ------------------------------------------------- Version 1x distributed by PCPLUS will only display slidesets released by PCPLUS. It is was specially created from the full version to enable distribution on the PCPLUS cover disc. It does not include a feature required to install other SLIDESETS distributed via SHAREWARE sources. You can however send a fee to MOLCOL SOFTWARE, you will receive an enhanced Ver 1x which will allow licensed use of all shareware slidesets. Details are available when running the software. If you wish to use the enhanced Ver 1x (the abridged version) , you will never be able to evaluate the user-created TUTORIAL files option. You will be able to view WIDE-SCREEN slides but not as they are meant to be seen, and you will not be able to use 4 different Microscopes, each giving a different clarity to the SHAREWARE slides viewed. YOU WILL however receive software to allow easy installation & use of Demo Slidesets, a user-manual, additional SHAREWARE slidesets, & Brunel Electronic Catalogue. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ver 1.0 - Unregistered. (For Normal Shareware Marketing) -------------------------------------------------------- The main difference between this and the Pro version (Registered non- -shareware) is that the SHAREWARE version will only show SHAREWARE slidesets. ALSO:- 1) SLIDESET INSTALLATION AND MANAGEMENT ROUTINES ARE VERY BASIC. Although you may have many slidesets present on your disc, only 1 of these can be installed and viewed at any one session. Each time you wish to use another slideset, you have to return to Microscope's menu to re-install the next slideset you wish to view. On Licensed versions, you do not have to do this: you can have as may slidesets installed as you like, and see them all from a single session. 2) NO USER MANUAL Like all sophisticated software packages, Microscope has features which may be difficult to master without proper instruction. Also, some of Microscope's more power functionality is not explained anywhere else but in the Manual: speeding up animations, creating entire lessons for pupils, forcing Microscope into a mode from DOS, writing your own batch files, using extra memory, etc., A manual is only supplied with licensed versions. 3) 4 DIFFERENT MICROSCOPE FEATURE IS ONLY FUNCTIONAL ON CERTAIN (selected) SHAREWARE SLIDESETS. Microscope offers enhanced viewing features by emulating different optical arrangements. This feature is retained in this shareware version to allow proper assessment and full evaluation of the program. Shareware slidesets can be configured by us to disable this feature on unlicensed software - for the slideset on view. Only a limited number of slidesets will be issued which allow use of other than normal optics on unlicensed software. Licensed versions will not be disabled in any way when using Shareware slidesets. Features including use of 4 different Microscopes, user creation of Tutorial files, SELECTED teach, & menu software can be evaluated. Licensing Ver 1.0 unregistered -(not PRO version) -------------------------------------------------- YOU WILL RECEIVE EVERYTHING NECESSARY TO MAKE MICROSCOPE FULLY FUNCTIONAL ON EVERY SHAREWARE SLIDESET. PROPER SLIDESET INSTALLATION MANAGEMENT CONTROL, MANUAL, 4 DIFFERENT MICROSCOPE FEATURE ON ALL SHAREWARE SLIDESETS. Examples of creating lessons are included. THE ONLY THING YOU WONT BE ABLE TO DO IS USE PROFESSIONAL SLIDESETS! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ver 1.0 - Registered Pro- (NON SHAREWARE) ----------------------------------------- Unregistered & LICENCED SHAREWARE versions of Microscope allow the use of SHAREWARE Slides only, distributed periodically via Shareware Marketing sources. The wealth of Slides are configured to work only with registered PRO software. Purchasing the PRO version enables the use of all slidesets, provides telephone support, periodic newsletter, an enhanced user manual, and additional features of interest to people working in a PROFESSIONAL OR TEACHING environment. Microscope is being developed further and REGISTERED users will gain advantages as respected customers. Registered Users will be offered Upgrades at discounted prices. The term 'Registered' is only used in association with PRO version (NON-shareware), the term 'licensed' is used to describe shareware versions where a fee has been paid for continued use of Microscope to view SHAREWARE slidesets only! A licensed user receives 'replacement' software as described in this text to enhance his/her use of the Shareware version. Animated slides are created from Video sources. Registered users will be able to benefit from additional material which can be made available: photos, videos, reference info etc., They will also be able to 'tap' into support & material offered by third parties. (This can include tutorial files in different languages!) PROGRAM OBJECTIVES ================== Microscope is designed to be a Microscope capable of displaying quality images 'sourced' via electronic conversion of photo images taken with optical & electron scanning Microscopes. It simulates Magnification, Light-levels, Polarisation, Dark-field viewing, Staining,and other techniques used to enhance our view of tiny subjects. It is capable of displaying animation via time-lapse photography and video capture, as well as normal 'stills'. In fully functional versions it can be used to emulate the use of Normal Optical, Phase-Contrast, Nomarski differential- -interference, and Polarisation Microscopes; each providing different degrees of detail and clarity. Special Tutorial files may accompany slidesets or can be created by the user, providing special advantages in both teaching and professional environments. Services and software are being developed to enhance its usefulness to these users. Site licences with major discounts are available: please write for details. It can show animated sequences of Microscopic subjects by utilising time-lapse and real-time images: see the majesty, beauty, and the ruthlessness of Nature at work. A single slideset may contain up to 40 images yet filesize is kept to a minimum: see credits in main program. Using Microscope without a Manual ================================= A Manual is not distributed with unlicensed or unregistered versions of Microscope. This will not be a problem when using the Microscope in NORMAL mode. Keys on your keyboard are used to select a screen button and once a button is lit, the up/down, PgUp, PgDn, and Enter key allow effective operation. A context-sensitive help routine will quickly enable you to gain sufficient control to see what the package has to offer. Please note that Microscope for the PC is constantly being enhanced. When such enhancements reach a critical level, the package is re-released with a new version number. Modes of operation other than NORMAL all relate to the creation and display of User generated text files as Tutorial files. Relatively little guidance on this is given and only users prepared to dabble for a while are likely to master this powerful option. Authors Personal Comment ======================== Although I do not condemn the zap-em-up type games currently available, I am concerned about the imbalance between software of this nature and software which encourages curiosity & expansion of awareness. This package, and the acquisition of a quality microscope is a single expense which competes favourably with well known games machines and their software. I think its time again to introduce our young to the miracle of life and develop in them the same awe and wonder I have retained throughout my life. I hope my small endeavours might fan a flickering flame here and there, and that with your help - that flame becomes a fiery torch blazing the way to enlightenment and truth. ================== WANTED ================== We are constantly developing new slidesets. If you are in possession of quality photos, film, video (which are your copyright) of images taken via a microscope - electron scanning or optical instruments; or other material perhaps taken via close-up photography of insects for example then we are interested in hearing from you. Also, all ideas are welcome! We are selling slidesets for use with Microscope and can offer financial reward and credits for use of your work. Write to me via the address displayed in the program. Maurice Smith. -------------------- pp. Molcol Software. "For every man the world is as fresh as it was at the first day, and as full of novelties for him who has the eyes to see them..." {quote from Thomas Henry Huxley 1825-95, English Bioligist}